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Report on Orphan Works Challenges: for libraries, archives, and other memory institutions

Orphan works pose significant challenges to nonprofit libraries, archives, and other memory organizations. When these organizations seek to reuse orphan works—copyrighted works whose owners cannot be located—they face the perceived risk of costly infringement suits from copyright owners who might later emerge. But libraries, archives and other memory organizations hold many orphan works in their collections, and risk averse organizations that do not make these works available may fail to fulfill part of their core missions of preserving cultural and intellectual artifacts and providing access to users in a format and context that is meaningful to them.


Go to: Report on Orphan Works Challenges

WITNESS: Camera Everywhere

WITNESS report Camera Everywhere

Peter Gabriel, the co-founder of WITNESS defined our time as “the age of transformative technology”. Indeed, new technologies have placed weapons in everyone’s hands, and made human rights movements a party where everyone is invited. With smart phones, social media and Internet, voices can now travel faster than light.Read more...

Poets Seize Their Fair Use Rights

Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for PoetryPoets have now created a code of best practices in fair use, to help them exercise their fair use rights. Read more...

Fair Use Victories on the DMCA

Library of CongressAnother victory for common sense and fair use came today from the Librarian of Congress, acting on recommendations from Copyright Office. The latest ruling on exemptions to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act greatly expands access to encrypted, copyrighted works for fair use purposes.Read more...