Empowering Media That Matters


The Social Documentary (Radio, Television, Film 345)

This course offers a conceptual overview of the forms, strategies, structures and conventions of documentary film and video. The course focuses on social documentary, or documentary that aims to construct arguments about the social world.


TV Practicum: Documentary and Social Change, RTV 4467-02

This course explores the contemporary world of documentary video production with an overview of the history and major trends in documentary production. It combines critical viewing skills with practical instruction in documentary production.


Non-Fiction Film Theory, 222-301

This course deals with the intersection of film theory and history; it employs a wide range of films and books to ground students. Lectures, discussions and screenings expand, develop, and criticize texts and films.


Images: Women/Men/Media, 222-303

This course is a survey of contemporary feminist cultural theory: it interrogates and assesses the construction of women within diverse representational systems. It also investigates film, photography, video art, and digital forms as contested, fluid sites articulating discourses on women, men, sexuality, difference, and nation.