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Stephanie Brown's Posts

AIM and Shoot Discussion Focuses on Impact and Measurement

AIM and ShootIn March, the Center's creative director Caty Borum Chattoo traveled to Los Angeles to speak at Media Impact Focus: AIM and Shoot, the latest in a series of discussions on cutting-edge media impact analysis methods. Read more...

Fair Use Question of the Month: Crowdsourcing Journalism

Dear CMSI,

fine print

I’m doing a story on the use of highly technical language in Terms and Conditions clauses, and yesterday I found a really brilliant example on an application form I had to fill out. I’d like to post the relevant page online alongside the article when I’m finished and ask readers to weigh in on how to make the writing clearer, but I assume the text is copyrighted. Do I need the company’s permission before I can post it or is this a fair use? Read more...

Empowering the Human Voice: Kunal Gupta on Media That Matters

As we count down the days until Media That Matters 2014, check the CMSI blog to learn more about our #MTMDC panelists and why they engage with media that matters. 

Kunal Gupta of Baycastles and The Silent Barn will be speaking at Media That Matters 2014 on the panel Digital Games: Using persuasive play for social impact. Here is his story. Read more...

Comics, Diversity and Representation: Greg Pak on Media That Matters

Greg PakAs we count down the days until Media That Matters 2014, check the CMSI blog to learn more about our #MTMDC panelists and why they engage with media that matters. 

Filmmaker and comic book writer Greg Pak will be speaking at Media That Matters 2014 on the panel Image Matters: Graphic ways to visualize policy, history, news and more. Here is his story. Read more...

Inspiring Action Through Film: David Holbrooke on Media That Matters

David HolbrookeAs we count down the days until Media That Matters 2014, check the CMSI blog to learn more about our #MTMDC panelists and why they engage with media that matters. 

Filmmaker and Mountainfilm in Telluride Festival Director David Holbrooke will be speaking at Media That Matters 2014 in Festival Matters. Here is his story. Read more...