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Patricia Aufderheide's Posts

Filmmaker as Voice of Civil Society: Leo Eaton on America at a Crossroads

Our good friend Leo Eaton, a veteran public affairs and public broadcasting producer, writes in his annual letter to the field about how he sees the role of the documentarian. Read more...

Not-So-Profitable Doc and Public Broadcasting

Arts Engine executive director Katy Chevigny, a leader in the field of documentary production (and whose timely and watchable film Election Day is part of the stunning summer season on public television series P.O.V., has written a thought-provoking blog entry. She notes that some documentaries are hugely popular (An Inconvenient Truth) and others are highly targeted (Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price). Read more...

Good News on Fair Use and Frame Grabs

For the last 15 years, film scholars have been asserting their Fair Use rights to reproduce stills and frame grabs of films and videos they discuss in their work. They’ve been helped by a clear statement of their rights created by the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Read more...

Netizenship: The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It

Are we headed backwards, to a media world that looks more like cable than the Internet? For Jonathan Zittrain, the iPhone is the enemy, Wikipedia is our friend, and our laptops are battle zones in a new war. By the time you’re done reading The Future of the Internet--and How to Stop It (Yale University Press), you’ll be looking at that iPhone with suspicion as well. Read more...