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Micael Bogar's Posts

White Paper Public Media 2.0: Dynamic Engaged Publics. Have You Read It Yet?

Just wanted to give you the heads up on our new white paper Public Media 2.0: Dynamic Engaged Publics. It continues to be read and embraced by more and more media makers from within the world of public media 2.0. Who are these media makers? You. If you're curious what we mean, we encourage you to check out our new report here.Read more...

Social Media Overload - Sometimes Less is More

In December, fellow blogger on Social Media Today DJ Francis wrote a clever "Dear John" breaking up with his Twitter followers --or as he calls them "tweople." While the letter was written in somewhat jest, the key theme was very much a valid issue that social media users face more and more.Read more...

Innovation in Focus Roundup

Over the past year, we have featured a range of innovative projects by public media outlets and their allies, including Link TV, PBS, PRX, ITVS, the Sundance Institute and the NBPC. Throughout this process, we have noticed that success in innovation comes when media makers take advantage of the disruptive nature of the transition to participatory media. Openness, inquisitiveness, and creativity have given them the chance to integrate new technologies and at the same time forge partnerships and collaborative projects in ways never possible before. Read more...