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Fair Use

DMCA , Fair Use, Documentary Filmmakers and Remixers

On day two of the Copyright Office’s hearings about exemptions to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) , documentary filmmakers and remix artists and their supporters came to Washington, D.C. to show regulators the cost of criminalizing copying of popular culture. (Read about day one where the focus was on Fair Use and educators here.)Read more...

DMCA, Fair Use and Educators

The best theater in Washington, D.C. is in federal agencies and hearing rooms. That’s where ritual battles over power take place. The first day of the Copyright Office’s hearings about exemptions to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act pretty much met expectations. (Read about day two where the focus was on Fair Use for documentarians and remix artists, here.)Read more...

New podcasts from CSM director Pat Aufderheide

As a part of the School of Communication's American Forum, CSM director Pat Aufderheide recently spoke at length with Danna Walker about two key issues: public media and Fair Use. Be sure to give these eye opening podcasts a listen!

3 on Fair Use can be listened to here.

3 on public media can be listened to here.

Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Dance Collections

You’re running an archive featuring dance and would love to exhibit some of the work in your collection that shows the evolution of a dance trend. Do you need to get permission from copyright holders or can you employ Fair Use?

You’re also announcing the exhibit on your website, and would like to run a few clips from some of the most famous material. Can you do that without copyright holder permission?Read more...