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Designing for Impact - Case studies (Continued)



In this week's case study, we are going to look into the stories of five brave children and their families struggling with pediatric cancer. We will examine the strategic design of the film A Lion in the House, and evaluate its impact on our society.

Here's the intro from the case study:

SPOTTED! New Report on Social Justice Documentary: Designing For Impact

Center for Social Media is proud to present a new report by our fellows Jessica Clark and Barbara Abrash, Social Justice Documentary: Designing for Impact. Read more...

WITNESS: Camera Everywhere

WITNESS report Camera Everywhere

Peter Gabriel, the co-founder of WITNESS defined our time as “the age of transformative technology”. Indeed, new technologies have placed weapons in everyone’s hands, and made human rights movements a party where everyone is invited. With smart phones, social media and Internet, voices can now travel faster than light.Read more...